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your child's first visit




  • Dentistry can be stressful, that's why we encourage parents to be present during their treatment with us.  We at Dental Theory believe parents should be able to come back to their kids treatment room. Staying positive can help your child direct their emotional energy towards the good that comes from the dentist.  We can sometime forget that the dentist often helps prevent discomfort and pain with regular check-ups and early diagnosis. 


  • We want kids to love it here.  That’s why we’ve carefully crafted a fear free and fun environment for your child.  They’ll get to choose their movie, toothpaste flavor, new toothbrush, and prizes!


  • For younger children role-playing is extremely helpful in reducing fear and introducing a new experience.


  • For example: Pick a chair that can serve as a dental chair and pretend with your child that they are going to the dentist. You can even use a battery-operated toothbrush to simulate a handpiece the dental assistant would use to clean their teeth.


  • You could start this a week a before their appointment, so if your child shows some resistance, you will have a few days to work with them.  You’ll be amazed how well they do after practicing a few times at home.



  • Explain the dentist will look at and count all your teeth. Please refrain from saying "The Dentist will not hurt" as this may influence their outlook.


  • Avoid using words like Needle, Shot, Drill, Pull, or any other words that may trigger fear in your child!


  • Motivate your child to do well and we'll have a great visit and instill a positive oral health habits. 

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